(a)   Overnight camping in all municipal parks is hereby prohibited, without having first obtained, in advance, a special use permit from the city clerk.

(b)   The term overnight camping shall include any overnight staying in park areas by any person whether camping equipment is used or not, and shall also include sleeping in automobiles overnight in park areas.

(c)   All parks owned and/or operated by the City of Russell, Kansas, shall be closed from 12:00 midnight to dawn and no person or persons shall during said time, be in, loiter in or about or conduct any activity within the confines of any such park. Overnight camping on the premises known as Fossil Lake belonging to the City of Russell is hereby prohibited, without having first obtained, in advance, a special use permit from the city clerk.

(Code 1973, 12-501:502; Code 1983; Ord. 1507, Sec. 1; Code 2018)

(a)   Hunting in any form and swimming or bathing of any nature is hereby prohibited on the premises and waters known as Fossil Lake belonging to the City of Russell.

(b)   Boating on waters known as Fossil Lake shall be prohibited unless special permission is obtained from the city manager of the city, upon proper application and then the boating shall be under such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the city manager.

(Ord. 1199, Sec.1-2)

Any person violating any of the provisions of this article upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500.

(Code 1973, 12-504; Code 2018)